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Spicy Nude


All the articles about nude, models and modeling

Copyright: unknown
Copyright: unknown. This photo remains the intellectual property of their respective owners.

All naturists!

Author: Stephan Richardson

We live in a huge house with a large garden, a tennis court, a basketball court and a swimming pool. From May, we can live outside and swim completely naked without being seen by the neighborhood. All family and friends come to visit us in the summer. Everyone is naked and swims fully naked in the pool.
Everyone thinks it's great! We do what we like because a swimsuit that is too big is annoying and when it is too small, we look almost naked... A topless woman wearing a thong is much more comfortable completely nude. So you might as well be naked and live naturally!

Copyright: Dreamstime
Copyright: Dreamstime. This photo remains the intellectual property of their respective owners.

Hey, it's time again!

Author: Natalia Ambrosio

Hey, girls! It's almost spring, the return of the sun and sunny days. It's almost time to get naked again! Dare to once again affirm this rule of life and display your nudity with vigor and pride! Prepare your sexy bikinis, free your breasts, put away your clothes with enthusiasm and show off your beauty without fear and with all the pleasure carried by the magic of the nude. Let us be more and more of us to do so and fight taboos with determination!

Copyright: Dreamstime
Copyright: Dreamstime. This photo remains the intellectual property of their respective owners.

Happy New Year 2024!

Author: Natalia Ambrosio

Happy new year 2024 to all of you and your loved ones from the Spicy Nude Team!

I hope that this new year will give you more and more desire to live in fullness and spontaneity, and that you will continue to love living naked, to love the nude, and to convince more and more people to get involved in the Nude Movement. I also hope that more and more models will pose nude and consider it something just natural.
Spicy Nude will continue to promote sexy bikini, topless, artistic nude, erotic nude, naked sport, nude wrestling, nude scenes and all models who pose nude in an elegant way.

As you know, Spicy Nude is a completely free website, managed by a team of completely volunteer enthusiasts. The turnover is important because they are all very involved in their job and in other actions. Time constraints make impossible for many of us to do everything we would like. This is why the management of our website and X account is not always easy! We are in the process of resolving this issue.

We have decided to open a new "sex art" section, which will highlight photos and scenes that meet our quality criteria. And we want to continue to offer a quality website and to support talented models. For this, we need your visits, your feedback and your support.

Thank you all and have a very happy new year again!

Copyright: Dreamstime
Copyright: Dreamstime. This photo remains the intellectual property of their respective owners.

Naked men?

Author: Erica Taylor-Molinier

“Why are there no photos of naked men on your website?” This question is often asked to us and is very relevant! We would have no objection to publish photos of naked men. In fact, we would really like to post photos of naked men! If we do not do this, it is for three reasons.

1) Very few men pose for nude photos. When they do so, they systematically hide their genitals or their buttocks and do not assume the fact of posing completely naked, which women do without problem.

2) Men, most often very sporty, can pose in mini briefs or thongs, or even naked with their genitals hidden, very often in a combination of bragging and seeking domination. This vision is totally anachronistic.

3) Men who pose completely nude are most often porn actors and the photos focus on erect penises. For us, this is of very little interest. For the anecdote, many psychotherapists have proved that most women are not at all interested in penis photos. They are more aroused by images of a man's eyes or butt... These men really think that women are open to see a photo of a penis and that this excites them. Of course, for most women this does not happen. In other words, men perceive this as more pleasant than it often is for the recipients... No interest, again.

That said, we are really looking for male models with attractive physique, comfortable in their body, who pose naked in a spontaneous, assertive, without taboo and aesthetic manner. Men who dare to pose naked showing their penis and buttocks very naturally. If you know some of there or if you are one of these models, we will happily publish you!

Copyright: SNT
Copyright: SNT. This photo remains the intellectual property of their respective owners.

Copyright, please!

Author: Stephan Richardson

Copyright is an intellectual property that protects original works of authorship. In our global digital economy, artists, authors have great opportunities to disseminate their creative works to a worldwide audience. They also face daunting challenges from infringement and piracy. Creators and creative industries have to develop their ability to protect and enforce their copyrights.
The primary purpose of copyright is to foster the creation and dissemination of works for the benefit of the public. By granting authors the exclusive right to authorize certain uses of their works, copyright provides incentives to create new works and to make them available in the marketplace.
By violating copyright law, by publishing works without mentioning their author and without respecting the right to authorize or not this distribution, offenders seriously harm creation and strongly penalize creators.
It is clear that many models fail to specify the references of the author of the photo or video that they broadcast on the internet. They certainly have the right to use them but we think that they should be keen to mention the author of the photo, the author of the video, so that he or she receives his or her fair recognition. A model without talented photographers is nothing. A photographer without talented models is nothing. Both must therefore be known to everyone when the work is distributed. We strive to always clarify copyright. Every time we are unable to do this, it is heartbreaking. Models, please specify the author of the photos and videos you distribute! It's not very complicated and the author, who is neither a stranger nor a robot, will be grateful to you!

Copyright: Deamstime
Copyright: Deamstime. This photo remains the intellectual property of their respective owners.

Naked at home!

Author: Erica Taylor-Molinier

Nudity is something that society has frowned upon across nearly every culture. Yet, it’s the most natural thing in the world! In fact, there are some great benefits of being naked at home. You are in your own space and nobody else is there to judge or see you. Of course, make sure your curtains are closed in order to not give the neighbors a shock!
Being naked is good for health and wellbeing. Nakedness helps you accept your body. Body confidence is such an issue these days. By spending time naked at home, you’re seeing your body as something very normal. As you accept your body, you’ll notice that your confidence in how you feel generally grows. Spending time naked at home allows you to feel free and without limits.
Being naked at home may help you feel good in your own skin and you’re feeling free and unshackled. If you’ve had a hard day, close the curtains, light some candles, put on some relaxing music, and get naked. Feel the freedom all around you and you’ll quickly kick out any stress.
There are many benefits to live naked.
Slouching around on the sofa, watching your favorite soaps and sports programs, why bother dressing?
Meditating takes a lot of concentration to get right. It makes very good, to be naked in this case. Also, the more relaxed feel of being naked at home will help you to get into the mood for meditation. You’re as grounded to nature as it’s possible to be when there is nothing between you and the universe.
If you’ve never dared to sleep naked before, give it a go. It’s liberating, comfortable, and more than a little bit sexy.
Exercising is the perfect time to get your clothes off. Because you sweat like mad when you’re exercising. Being naked means you keep cooler.
Only if you have a private garage or drive, of course, you ca wash the car naked. On a hot day, it makes a very pleasant diversion and could provide some fun time with a partner also!
Sunbathing naked means you’ll get a more even tan and a good dose of vitamin D, which is ideal for your health. Of course, you should do this privately, so only in a private garden or yard.
As long as you have private grounds well away from prying eyes, a game of tennis or basketball could prove a very pleasant diversion. Of course, avoid the more active sports. Neither the male nor the female form can cope well with gravity without some uncomfortable consequences...
Practicing naked yoga, naked stretching, splayed limbs, and highly exposed flexing is much easier and you’ll feel much more comfortable. It also has benefits in terms of body confidence.
So: being naked at home and in our private life only has benefits for you, your health and your well-being!

Copyright: Dreamstime
Copyright: Dreamstime. This photo remains the intellectual property of their respective owners.

Do nude photos!

Author: Stephan Richardson

I have been a photographer. I am still a little… To date, I have photographed more than 300 naked models. Often I have heard the eternal questions: “When a model poses naked in front of your lens, is it not embarrassing for her? And her boyfriend, her husband, doesn't that bother him?" So you always have to explain that no, it's not embarrassing. That the nudity of the model is not an ordinary nudity, that everyone keeps an intimacy. As for decency, it comes back the second the shoot is over. And that the photographer is not alone. At least that's my case. He has a team around him, men and women who are all professionals.

I have photographed many models who are pros of the nude: starlets, actresses, singers, pornstars, experienced models, young naturist women, for whom being naked in public, on a beach, is not a problem, nude models for painters… With these models, the shooting is done in a relationship of mutual trust where there is no discomfort. And we can do erotic photos if it was the deal.

I also photographed many models for whom it was the first time. To the models who have never posed nude before, I have to make them want to go all the way to the nude. This is how a shoulder becomes bare, a T-shirt is removed, a jeans slips on the floor… Most of the time, these young women surprise themselves! For some, it's a real journey, which starts even before shooting. Over the course of the meetings, a relationship of trust is created with the model until the shooting where the ultimate challenge is that the person get naked. Posing naked is deeper than you think. These photos often materialize a change, that of becoming an actress in one's life. There is a meaning in this process! Shootings are an opportunity to rediscover yourself. By undressing in front of the camera, the model takes an additional step towards more self-esteem, towards more affirmation of her personality. So... pose naked! And you will see the miracle happen.

Copyright: Bikini Riot
Copyright: Bikini Riot. This photo remains the intellectual property of their respective owners.

Young, young milf...

Author: Stephan Richardson

You have probably noticed: SpicyNude follows and supports lots of models over thirty years old. There are at least two simple explanations for this:

The first is that young girls seem less willing to pose naked, to show themselves naked. For some, it is a question of no longer “pleasing men”. For others, it's the affirmation of a new puritanism: showing one's body undressed would mean being of low virtue… And when they do it, it's too often in an unattractive, hesitant way, almost reluctantly.

The second is that women over thirty (the “mifs”, "Mothers I'd Like to Fuck" as they say) take care of their beauty and have integrated all the codes of elegance, naturalness, spontaneity. When they show their naked bodies, it's always in a pretty way, where nakedness means freedom. So we will continue to promote models and women over thirty years old, even forty years old.

But you, young girls, break the imposed taboos. Be present at this meeting of the nude and the affirmation of your body! Having a body is natural. Being naked is natural too! Think about it and report yourself so that we can make our impression lie. You are beautiful when you affirm your nudity, your sexy or naughty side! Do it first and foremost to please yourself and affirm your liberty. Affirm your true, authentic self. Express who you really are. Don't allow others to impose their standards on you. Affirm yourself by adopting this wonderful lifestyle that will allow you to say: “I have a tendency to be naked and it is so wonderful!”

Copyright: Natalia Ambrosio
Copyright: Natalia Ambrosio. This photo remains the intellectual property of their respective owners.

How to wear your pubic hair?

Author: Natalia Ambrosio

Let us be clear: the best way to wear your pubic hair is however you want to. But if you’re looking for other ways to wear it, Here are some ideas.

The all off...
It involves removing all the pubic hair around the genital and anal region to leave a completely blank canvas. Some people love the way having no hair down there feels and say that it increases sensitivity and can make oral sex feel better.

The brazilian..
This style is widely popular. Pubic hair is turned into a thin strip or small triangle and removed from two to three finger-widths above the entire pubic area. Some people have almost all their hair removed down below. This is a good option if you want something in the middle!

The landing strip...
This style involves waxing or shaving your pubic hair to leave a strip that leads vertically up from areas like the vulva. Great for a minimalist look!

The Bermuda Triangle...
This involves removing only the pubic hair that would be exposed by something like a bikini. The hair at the top of the thighs and under the navel can also be removed if necessary.
The pubic hair is trimmed, leaving behind a natural-looking triangle shape. This option is one of the easiest to do yourself, especially if you’re choosing to shave rather than wax. All you need to do is carefully shave around the general shape of the pubic region, trim down the length, and you’re done.

The all natural...
Choosing to keep your pubic hair and remain completely natural is a bold style! For many, being completely natural is the sexiest option! Some people say that it feels better and improves sensation for them during intercourse. Keeping it natural is also very easy!

Your own style!
Perhaps you want something that adds a little surprise and delight?
You can decore your pubic area with gems, you can dy it, you can give it the form you want: love heart, moustache (a small horizontal strip at the top of the pubic area)... The possibilities are massive but keep in mind that, hair or no hair, there’s no right or wrong way to do it. So you can confidently wear your pubic style with pride!

Copyright: Dreamstime
Copyright: Dreamstime. This photo remains the intellectual property of their respective owners.

Hello Nude World!

Author: Erica Taylor-Molinier

Spicynude was born to promote nudity in all its normal, spontaneous and pure nature. Body shame, like prejudice, is not natural. It is learned from others and benefits no one. Let us be clear: complete nudity in itself is not erotic. It becomes so only when contrasted to a state of dress. In this context then, all clothes become somewhat immoral, if we define immorality as inciting sexual interest... Our societies want to prevent from experiencing the freedom of not wearing clothes. However, nudity is the most natural state. We all were born nude!

Nudity is not directly linked to sex. You don't get naked just to make love! But that doesn't mean sex should be ignored. We don't get naked either to show our intimacy. But that doesn't mean we don't want to show off. We publish on SpicyNude very nice fleeting moments that illuminate our hearts. You will also see models in bikinis, topless, naked, offering the world all the splendor of their femininity. You will see very pretty boobs of superb young women, who all wanted to show them off. You will also see scenes of sports and wrestling, as we believe that the nude goes well with these two areas where the woman reveals her power and deep beauty. Let us remember that all the Greek in the original Olympics were totally naked! You will finally see more intimate moments, captured though personal videos or selfies.

Why shouldn't we be allowed to show one of the most wonderful creations (the human body) in its natural form? People say we have to wear clothes. In other words, they're telling us that we have to be ashamed of ourself. But nakedness is not indecent! It is your thought, your sophistication, your fear, your respectability that is indecent. There are moments when clothes are not only too irksome to wear, but are themselves indecent. Perhaps indeed that he or she to whom the free exhilarating ecstasy of nakedness in Nature or at home is unknown has never really known what purity is--nor what faith or art or health really is. Someday people will grow up and realize that the only thing vile about human bodies is the small minds some people have developed within them.  The naked daily life may indeed be capable of elevating men and women to a higher mental plane!

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