What does "Spicy Nude" mean to us?
The nude is not an unhealthy obsession. It is a natural way of being in the world and of living. Unfortunately, the nude is considered in our societies to be linked ill-fitting, to culpable exhibitionism. Women are asked to hide their bodies. "Hide this breast that I don't want to see!". In our mind, "spicy" means turning that silliness upside down by being bold. "Spicy Nude" is an invitation to break taboos, to take off our chains, to live our nudity, to expose it, to claim it, to affirm loud and clear that wearing a sexy bikini, being topless or naked and loving sex does not make us a woman of low virtue. What could be more extraordinary to deliver this message than models who do bikini photos, who pose topless and naked? Models who claim the right to be topless and nude? Models who show nudity in their private life? Models who decline nudity in all its forms, from the softest to the most daring? Unlike many, we don't post bikini, topless, nude, porn, to fill our pages by posting bikini, topless, nude, porn. Our goal is not to make money from your clicks by posting nude, nude, nude, any nude, as long as it's "hot". We deeply respect the models. We will never publish photos that degrade or reduce women to objects. We want to show models proud of their body, proud of their nudity, proud of their beauty, who affirm their elegance and their choices in defiance of moralizing good-thinking. We happily support all the models who share this beautiful idea we have of women and their freedom.
How do we choose the models we follow?
There are plenty of models on Twitter. Our choice concerns models who pose in bikinis, who do topless, artistic nude, erotic nude photos and sex art. We systematically exclude models who do only rude nude but we follow with joy pornstars who do nude and respectful sex scenes. Wearing a bikini, being topless or naked is a choice that must be perceived as natural and normal by models and in no way as an exceptional moment intended to explicitly arouse desire. Simply, we don't support models who see themselves as a nice merchandise that can make money. Our idea of woman is far above that.
What news do we publish on our website?
We only publish news that we believe useful to the fan community: a new project, a new publication, a new shoot, a new collaboration, a new site, etc. We are very selective in our choices. And we publish in priority the news in tweets which mention us...
What tweets do we publish on our website?
Obviously, we do not publish all the tweets of the models we follow! We only publish the tweets that seem to us the most interesting, the most original, that include pretty photos and pretty messages... We are very selective in our choices. And we publish in priority the tweets which mention us...
What selfies do we publish on our website?
A selfie shows a lot of the model's intimate life. We publish the most beautiful selfies. We never post vulgar, disgusting selfies.... We are very selective in our choices. And we publish in priority the selfies in tweets which mention us...
What photos and videos do we publish on our website?
We select public photos and videos posted on twitter according to different categories. These photos and videos must be of good quality and include a copyright. Otherwise, we indicate "copyright unspecified" but we always appreciate mentioning the author of the photo... We are very selective in our choices. And we publish in priority the photos in tweets which mention us...
What galleries do we publish on our website?
We don't publish galleries simply for the purpose of publishing galleries and galleries and galleries... We publish the most beautiful galleries of the studios with which we have a link. Not all, just the most beautiful... We also publish galleries proposed by the models themselves.