The websites have all been selected according to demanding criteria. We consider that these websites meet high quality standards: interest and quality of their contents, large number of photos and videos, regular updates, good design, good ergonomics and ease of use.

Lots of other websites have not yet been evaluated. You can tell us about websites you like. If you are a model, a pornstar, don't hesitate to send us the link to your own website so that it appears on this list.

The market for erotic and porn websites has become huge and difficult to overview. Our goal is to provide you paysite reviews containing simple, objective and credible information about online erotic and porn sites.

When two members of our experienced team visit a website, they provide an honest opinion about the site and its content through a ranking system ranging from 1 to 5 stars in 6 different categories and an overall score. Results are the average of the two ratings.

Volume: Regardless of quality, how many galleries and videos are provided by the site? Our criteria are not the same for studio sites and individual sites.
Update frequency: How frequently a site is updated? Can we easily differentiate between new content and old content? What is the recycling part of old content?
Quality of content: Are the photos and videos professionally or amateur shot? Are photos and videos in high definition or not? Do the photos and videos grab and hold your attention or not ? Will the photos and videos pleased to a large audience? Does the website offer a variety of sizes and formats for its photos? Can members view a slideshow and download zip files? Are the photos unique photo shoots? Are the models featured on the site pretty and attractive? Are photos and videos 100% exclusive or can we find these videos or photos on other sites?
Design and navigation: Is the website visually appealing? Is the site navigation simple and intuitive? Is the content well organized or confusing? Is the site filled with advertisements?
Speed: Is access to content fast or too slow? Is navigating from one page to another, from one gallery or video to another, fluid or does it take too much time?
Prices: Do the prices correspond to the overall quality of the content? Are they in the norm or excessive? Can we choose between different subscriptions? Can we terminate easily?
Global rating: The global rating gives you an indication to know if you can subscribe to the site.
A score above 90/100 is for sites of a very high quality. You can subscribe confidencely and you will not be disappointed.
A score between 80 and 90 is for sites of high quality. You will not be disappointed.
A score between 70 and 80 is for sites that have shortcomings, imperfections or lacks but remain of good quality.
A score between 50 and 70 is for websites with have lots of shortcomings, imperfections or lacks but remain interesting.
We do not report bad sites. Any site with a score below 50 is not on our list.

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Volume: ****
Update frequency: ****
Quality of content: ****
Design and navigation: ****
Speed: *****
Prices: *****
Global rating: 85 /100

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